1.It’s summer in Washington. Don’t put your best flip-flop forward.

















malignant turmor

malicious gossip





Chapter 21: Keeping an Eye on the Sky

Chapter 22: The Effects of Multitasking



channel(n.) a television or radio station

             (v.) to express (your ideas, thoughts, feelings, energy, etc.) through a particular behavior or action

sentence: The TV program airs at 8:00 p.m. on Channel 5.

                She's started channeling her anger towards me.


distort(v.) to change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of (something) in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing

sentence: Her face was distorted by pain.


distracted(adj.) unable to think about or pay attention to something : unable to concentrate

sentence: If you're feeling distracted, take a break.


drawback(n.) something that causes problems

sentence: The only drawback to the plan is that we don't have the time it requires.


exception(n.) someone or something that is different from others : someone or something that is not included

sentence: I like all his books, with one exception.



impair(v.) to make (something) weaker or worse

sentence: Smoking can impair your health.


readily(adv.) in a way that shows you are willing to do something : without hesitation or complaint

sentence: He readily agreed to help us.


recollection(n.) the act of remembering something or the ability to remember something

sentence: Her recollection of the accident is very different from mine.


rural(adj.) of or relating to the country and the people who live there instead of the city

sentence: She lives in a rural area.


simultaneous(adj.) happening at the same time

sentence: The two gunshots were simultaneous.



switch(n.) a small device that starts or stops the flow of electricity to something (such as a lamp or a machine) when it is pressed or moved up and down

           (v.) to make a change from one thing to another : to start doing or using something that is different

sentence: She flicked a switch and turned the lamp/lights on.  

                I switched to a new doctor.


audible(adj.) heard or able to be heard

sentence: Her voice was barely audible over the noise.


buildup(n.) an increase in something that occurs as time passes

sentence: There is a big traffic buildup on the highway.


consistent(adj.) always acting or behaving in the same way

sentence: He is a consistent supporter of the museum.


inefficiency(n.) the lack of ability to do something or produce something without wasting materials, time, or energy : the quality or state of being inefficient

sentence: The candidate blamed her opponent for the local government's inefficiency.



long-term(adj.) lasting for, relating to, or involving a long period of time

sentence: The long-term effects of the medication are not known.


operate(v.) to function or behave in a proper or particular way

sentence: They hope to have the windmill operating again tomorrow.


perception(n.) the way you think about or understand someone or something — often + of

sentence: People's perceptions of this town have changed radically.


range(n.) a group or collection of different things or people that are usually similar in some way — usually singular — usually + of

         (v.) to include everything between specified limits

sentence: We'll be covering a range of topics in this class.

                The selection of food ranged from mild to very spicy.


rotate (v.) to move or turn in a circle

sentence: As the gear rotates, it turns the other gears.



aeronautics(n.) a science that deals with airplanes and flying

sentence: the history of aeronautics


yard(n.) an outdoor area that is next to a house and is usually covered by grass

sentence: Children were playing out in the yard.


stock broker(n.) someone whose job is to buy and sell shares of stock for other people

sentence: There came a wealthy stock broker who cast sheep 's eyes at the beautiful girl.


antihistamine(n.) a drug that is used to treat allergic reactions and colds

sentence: Antihistamine drugs may offer an effective treatment.


psychology(n.) the science or study of the mind and behavior

sentence: She studied psychology in college.



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