1. onomatopoeia  




bio-: life

e.g. biography, biocide, biochemistry


un-: not

e.g. uncommon, unable, unafraid



-ful: full of
 e.g. cupful, handful, wonderful

 -viv-: life

 e.g. vivid, revive, vivacious



bi-: two

e.g. bimonthly, bicolor, bilingual


be-: on

e.g. behind, beside, below



con-: together

e.g. connect, contemporary, connatural


-able: inclined to; likely to be done

e.g. acceptable, readable, adaptable



-loc-: place

e.g. allocate, localism, localize



re-: again

e.g. reimburse, reinforce, reiterate



dom- (=dorm): house, sleep

e.g. domesticate, domesticity, domicile


de-: down

e.g. deface, defer, de-escalation



in-: no, none

e.g. incomparable, insensible, inglorious



dis-: apart

e.g. distinctive, discriminate, discern



en-: near, at, in, on, within

e.g. enwrap, enkindle, enthrone



-less: lacking, cannot be, does not

e.g. restless, priceless, shapeless



out-: outside, expel, put out

e.g. outdistance, outnumber, outcast



circum-: around

e.g. circumspect, circumnavigate, circumsolar




Chapter 17:  How to Survive a Mountain Lion Attack

Chapter 18:  Life of Pi



charge(v.) to give an amount of electricity to (something) : to put electricity into a battery so that a machine or device will run

sentence: My cell phone needs to be charged.


foe(n.) an enemy

sentence: Her ability was acknowledged by friend and foe alike.


formidable(adj.) very difficult to deal with

sentence: The mountains were a formidable barrier.


frailty(n.) weakness of character that causes a person to do things that are morally wrong

sentence: He is not immune to human frailty.


gaze(v.) to look at someone or something in a steady way and usually for a long time

       (n.) a long and steady look

sentence: He gazed out the window at the snow.

                He fixed his gaze out the window.



grunt(n.) a short, low sound from the throat

         (v.) to make a short, low sound : to make a grunt

sentence: I could hear the grunts of the movers as they lifted the heavy furniture.

               He grunted in agreement.


majestic(adj.) large and impressively beautiful

sentence: The bridge stands majestic astride the river.


mating season: the time animals give birth to the baby

sentence: During mating season , however , groups dissolve into pairs


menace(n.) a dangerous or possibly harmful person or thing — usually singular

sentence: Those dogs are a menace.


nostril(n.) one of the two openings of the nose

sentence: She left in a rage, her nostrils flaring.



retreat(n.) movement by soldiers away from an enemy because the enemy is winning or has won a battle

          (v.) to move back to get away from danger, attack, etc.

sentence: The forces are now in (full) retreat.

               When the enemy attacked, our troops were forced to retreat.


sideways(adv.) with one side facing forward

sentence: We had to turn sideways to let them through the crowded hallway.


snarl(n.) a situation in which you can no longer move or make progress

        (v.) to become twisted together : to form a snarl or snarls

sentence: The project has been plagued by legal/bureaucratic snarls.

                Her hair snarls very easily.


spine-chilling: very exciting, thrilling, or frightening

sentence: a spine-chilling scream


clean(adj.) free from dirt, marks, etc

sentence: This table isn't clean. There's a sticky spot where something spilled.



despair(n.) the feeling of no longer having any hope

            (v.) to no longer have any hope or belief that a situation will improve or change

sentence: His despair nearly drove him mad.

                Things look bad now, but don't despair.


fury(n.) violent anger

sentence: Nothing could contain his fury over their accusations.


growl(n.) of an animal : to make a deep threatening sound

sentence: I could hear a dog growling behind me.


in the same boat: have hard things at the same time

sentence: I find myself in the same boat.


intent(adj.) the thing that you plan to do or achieve : an aim or purpose

sentence: She thinks I'm trying to make things difficult for her, but that's not my intent.



outlast(v.) to last longer than (someone or something) : to continue to exist, be active, etc., longer than (someone or something)

sentence: We watched him outlast his opponent in one of the greatest boxing matches of all time.


petrify(v.) to make (someone) very afraid

sentence: It petrifies me to think of how close we came to dying.


rusty(adj.) not as good as usual or as in the past because you have not done or practiced something for a long time

sentence: My tennis skills are a little rusty.


tame(adj.) not exciting or interesting

sentence: Some people were shocked by the movie, but I found the story pretty tame.


twitch(v.) to make a slight, sudden movement that is not controlled or deliberate

         (n.) a sudden and quick movement or change

sentence: His left leg twitched.

                Economists are studying every twitch and hiccup of the business cycle.





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