





Quiz 1 of The Great Gatsby



fortune(n.) a very large amount of money — usually singular

sentence: Their house is worth a fortune.


console(v.) to try to make (someone) feel less sadness or disappointment

sentence: She consoled him after his wife died.


suspect(v.) to think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong

            (n.) a person who is believed to be possibly guilty of committing a crime

sentence: He's suspected in four burglaries.

                One suspect has been arrested.


notorious(adj.) well-known or famous especially for something bad

sentence: The coach is notorious for his violent outbursts.


boarder(n.) a person who pays to live and have daily meals at another person's house or at a school

sentence: She decided to take in boarders.



wreck(n.) a vehicle, airplane, etc., that has been badly damaged or destroyed

          (v.) to damage (something) so badly that it cannot be repaired

sentence: Firefighters pulled him from the (car) wreck.

                I wrecked my mother's car.


optimism(n.) a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future : a feeling or belief that what you hope for will happen

sentence: Both of them expressed optimism about the future of the town.


billboard(n.) a large sign for advertisements that is next to a road, on the side of a building, etc.

sentence: Our commercials will tie into our billboard ads.


overlook(v.) to fail to see or notice (something)

sentence: The detective overlooked an important clue.


professional(adj.) relating to a job that requires special education, training, or skill

sentence: Do you have any professional experience?



associate(v.) to think of one person or thing when you think of another person or thing — usually + with

sentence: I associate flowers with spring.


confidante(n.) a woman who is a trusted friend : a female confidant

sentence: She was her closest friend and confidante.


allusion(n.) a statement that refers to something without mentioning it directly

sentence: The lyrics contain biblical allusions.


mythology(n.) the myths of a particular group or culture

sentence: We have been studying ancient Greek mythology.


transmission(n.) the act or process of sending electrical signals to a radio, television, computer, etc.

sentence: The equipment is used for the transmission of television signals.



irresponsible(adj.) not having or showing maturity or good judgment : not responsible

sentence: He's too irresponsible to keep a job for more than a week.


obsidian(n.) a dark natural glass that forms when lava cools

sentence: Black obsidian bracelet 10mm natural obsidian.


lavish(adj.) giving or using a large amount of something

sentence: She is lavish in giving praise to her employees.


yacht(n.) a large boat that is used for racing or pleasure

sentence: Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks.


tuxedo(n.) a formal suit for a man

especially : a formal black suit worn with a white shirt and a black bow tie

sentence: Of tuxedos and chiffon, a perfect world.



striped(adj.) having stripes or bands of color

sentence: Taylor rose and straightened his yellow and blue striped sweater.


porcelain(n.) a hard, white substance that is very delicate and that is made by baking clay

sentence: The bowl is made of/from porcelain.


accusation(n.) a claim that someone has done something wrong or illegal : a charge that someone has committed a fault or crime

sentence: The police are investigating serious accusations of wrongdoing.


confide(v.) to tell (something that is secret or private) to someone you trust

sentence: He confided that he was very unhappy with his job.


situation(n.) all of the facts, conditions, and events that affect someone or something at a particular time and in a particular place

sentence: You may find yourself in a situation where you lose control of the vehicle.


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