




Quiz 1 of A room with a view



solicitor(n.) a person whose job involves talking to many people and trying to persuade them to buy things, donate money, etc.

sentence: Solicitors will be arrested for trespassing.


spinster(n.) an unmarried woman who is past the usual age for marrying and is considered unlikely to marry — now often considered an insulting word

sentence: She was afraid of becoming a spinster.


pension(n.) an amount of money that a company or the government pays to a person who is old or sick and no longer works

             (v.) to allow or force (an employee) to leave a job and accept a pension

sentence: Her pension arrives in the mail every month.

                She was pensioned off after 35 years with the company.


budget(n.) an amount of money available for spending that is based on a plan for how it will be spent

sentence: The film has a million-dollar budget.


overlook(v.) to fail to see or notice (something)

sentence: The detective overlooked an important clue.



swap(v.) to give something to someone and receive something in return : to trade or exchange (things)

sentence: He swapped his cupcake for a candy bar.


disdain(n.) a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect

            (v.) to strongly dislike or disapprove of (someone or something)

sentence: He regarded their proposal with disdain.

                They disdained him for being weak.



sentence: Small stores and delicatessens specialise in cheese.


femininity(n.) grammar, in some languages : of or belonging to the class of words (called a gender) that ordinarily includes most of the words referring to females

sentence: old-fashioned notions about masculinity and femininity


socialism (n.)a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

sentence: She wanted to reverse the tide of socialism.



communism(n.) a way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property

sentence: Marx 's ideas gave birth to communism.


taciturn(adj.) tending to be quiet : not speaking frequently

sentence: Self-confident and taciturn he exuded authority.


brooding(adj.) very serious and sad

sentence: Such brooding didn't make him any saner.


forward(adv.) toward the front : to or toward what is ahead or in front

sentence: Her long hair fell forward as she bent to tie her shoes.


seductive(adj.) sexually attractive

sentence: He looks seductive.



suffragette(n.) a woman who worked to get voting rights for women in the past when women were not allowed to vote

sentence: Walden was secretly amused by the suffragette.


celibacy(adj.) used to describe a person who is not married and does not have sex

sentence: They have chosen to lead celibate lives.


nun(n.) a woman who is a member of a religious community and who usually promises to remain poor, unmarried, and separate from the rest of society in order to serve God

sentence: These girls are told by the nuns to be chaste.


unconventional(adj.) very different from the things that are used or accepted by most people : not traditional or usual : not conventional

sentence: Her lifestyle is rather unconventional.


mugging(n.) the act of attacking and robbing someone : the act of mugging someone

sentence: There have been several muggings in the park recently.



rape(v.) to force (someone) to have sex with you by using violence or the threat of violence

sentence: She was raped by a fellow student.


seminary(n.) a school for training religious leaders (such as priests, ministers, and rabbis)

sentence: Where will you go when the seminary closes?


daffodils(n.) a yellow flower that blooms in the spring and that has a center that is shaped like a long tube

sentence: Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring.


redecorate(v.) to change the appearance of the inside of a house, building, or room by painting the walls, changing the furniture, etc.

sentence: They redecorated three rooms in their house.


propose(v.) to suggest (something, such as a plan or theory) to a person or group of people to consider

sentence: The scientists proposed a new theory.




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