
bene-: well, good

e.g.  benign, benevolent, benediction, benefit


con-: together, with

e.g.  construction, confederation, conjoined, construct


mid-: at the half of two things

e.g.  middle, midenight, midterm, midway


dis-: no

e.g.  district, dislike, dissimilar, disbelief


dif-: apart, not, opposite

e.g.  different, diffluence, diffident, diffuse


un-: not

e.g.  unreal, uncommon, uncomfortable, unclear


de-: down

e.g.  decrease, deficit, deface, deescalate


arch-: big, chief, ancient

e.g.  architect, archbishop, archaeology, archaic


e.g.  beside, below, before


im-: not, no
e.g. impossible, impose, impatient, immature


milli-: one thousand 

e.g. million, millisecond, millilitre, millipede


uni-: one 
e.g. united, unilateral, unify, uniform



e.g. television, telesales, teleplay, telescope


-wardto one direction 

e.g.  westward, backward, homeward, toward


re-: again

e.g. reapply, replay, reheated, restore


at-: to
e.g. attractive, attrap, attest, attract


part-: to devide

e.g.  partition, partner, partial, party


multi-: many

e.g.  multiple, multinational, multilateral, multiparty


over-: too much

e.g.  overall, overheat, overreaction, overconfident


trans-: changing

e.g.  translate, transport, transformation, transfer


en-: in

e.g.  enclosed, entrust, enforce



2.Sorry, my apology.  道歉




Chapter 15: The Small House Movement

Chapter 16: Twenty-four Rooms in One



displace(v.) to take the job or position of (someone or something)

sentence: Many of the company's workers were displaced by machines.


domestic(adj.) used to describe a person who enjoys work and activities that are done at home

sentence: I'm not a domestic person.


layout(n.) the design or arrangement of something : the way something is laid out

sentence: The layout of the apartment was good, but the kitchen was too small.


maintenance(n.) the act of maintaining something or someone

sentence: The building has suffered from years of poor maintenance.


movement(n.) the act or process of moving people or things from one place or position to another

sentence: He developed an efficient system for movement of raw materials to the factory.



partition(n.) a wall or screen that separates one area from another

              (v.) to divide (something) into parts or shares

sentence: A thin partition separates the two rooms in the cabin.

               It was necessary to partition the work to be done to make the job easier to accomplish.


practical(adj.) relating to what is real rather than to what is possible or imagined

sentence: We can speculate about the future, but on a more practical level, we have to admit that we simply don't know what will happen.


prior(adj.) existing earlier in time

        (n.) a monk who is the head of a religious house or order

sentence: Do you have a prior history of back problems?

         The suspect has two priors for robbery.


storage(n.) space where you put things when they are not being used

sentence: The house has plenty of storage.


census(n.) the official process of counting the number of people in a country, city, or town and collecting information about them

sentence: According to the latest census, the racial makeup of the town has changed dramatically in the last 50 years.



loft(n.) a room or space that is just below the roof of a building and that is often used to store things

sentence: The kids' bedroom has a loft.


dust(n.) fine dry powder that builds up inside buildings on surfaces that have not recently been cleaned

       (v.) to make (something) clean by brushing or wiping dirt and dust from the surface

sentence: The floor was covered with dust.

                He dusted the furniture.


float(v.) to rest on top of a liquid

sentence: She was floating on her back.


impose on: to force something on someone.

You shouldn't impose on his good nature.


mount(v.) to increase in amount

sentence: Their troubles have continued to mount.



ongoing(adj.) continuing to exist, happen, or progress : continuing without reaching an end

sentence: The investigation is ongoing.


radiance(n.) a quality of brightness and happiness that can be seen on a person's face

sentence: She had a youthful radiance about her.


replicate(v.) to repeat or copy (something) exactly

sentence: Scientists have failed to replicate the results of his experiment.


shift(v.) to move or to cause (something or someone) to move to a different place, position, etc.

sentence: I shifted the bag to my other shoulder.


shortage(n.) a shortage of cash/gasoline/teachers/water

sentence: There is no shortage of restaurants in the city.



suspend(v.) to force (someone) to leave a job, position, or place for a usually short period of time as a form of punishment

sentence: He was suspended from the team for missing too many practices.


tear down: to race down something very fast.

sentence: They tore down the stairs and ran out the door.


transformation(n.) a complete or major change in someone's or something's appearance, form, etc.

sentence: His appearance has undergone a complete transformation.


hinge(v.) to attach or fit a hinge to (something)

sentence: My acceptance will hinge upon the terms.


briefcase(n.) a flat case that is used for carrying papers or books

sentence: He carried the fat briefcase in his left hand.






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