
enter the context

attent a banquet

meet(fulfill)  the requrement/demand/departure




Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries


3.pump the gas(加油)






Chapter 19: Reaching Our Limits: Welcome to 2100

Chapter 20: Desert State Puts Oil Wealth into World's First Sustainable City



abandon(v.) to leave and never return to (someone who needs protection or help)

              (n.) a feeling or attitude of wild or complete freedom

sentence: The child had been abandoned (by his parents) as an infant.

                They all danced with (wild) abandon.


abuse(v.) to treat (a person or animal) in a harsh or harmful way

         (n.) the act or practice of abusing someone or something

sentence: He abused his wife both mentally and physically.

                He subjected his wife to physical and emotional abuse.


collapse(v.) to break apart and fall down suddenly

              (n.) a situation or occurrence in which something (such as a bridge, building, etc.) suddenly breaks apart and falls down

sentence: The chair he was sitting in collapsed.

                The earthquake caused the collapse of several homes.


drought(n.) a long period of time during which there is very little or no rain

sentence: The drought caused serious damage to crops.


harsh(adj.) unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience

sentence: The climate there is very harsh.



resource(n.) something that a country has and can use to increase its wealth

sentence: Oil is essentially their only resource.


settlement(n.) a formal agreement or decision that ends an argument or dispute

sentence: I got the house in the divorce settlement.


spray(n.) liquid that is forced out of a container in a stream of very small drops

         (v.) to put a stream of small drops of liquid on (someone or something)

sentence: The paint was applied in a fine spray.

                She sprayed herself with perfume.


starvation(n.) suffering or death caused by having nothing to eat or not enough to eat : the condition of someone who is starving

sentence: The famine brought mass starvation.


breeze(n.) a gentle wind

sentence: The flag fluttered in the breeze.



dust(n.) fine dry powder that builds up inside buildings on surfaces that have not recently been cleaned

sentence: The floor was covered with dust.


generate(v.) to produce (something) or cause (something) to be produced

sentence: This business should generate a lot of revenue.


humid(adj.) having a lot of moisture in the air

sentence: It's very hot and humid today.



A study on microclimate under poplar - crop intercropping systems.


orient(v.) to direct (someone) toward a goal

sentence: The program is intended to orient students toward a career in medicine.




outskirts(n.) the parts of a city or town that are far from the center

sentence: We live on the outskirts of town.


pedestrian(n.) a person who is walking in a city, along a road, etc.

sentence: The car slid off the road and almost hit a group of pedestrians.


promising(adj.) likely to succeed or to be good : full of promise

sentence: The neighborhood didn't look very promising.


renewable(adj.) restored or replaced by natural processes : able to be replaced by nature

sentence: Forests are renewable natural resources, but they must be treated with care.


self-sufficient(adj.) able to live or function without help or support from others

sentence: His new job allowed him to become more self-sufficient.



takeover(n.) an occurrence in which a person, company, etc., takes control of something

sentence: The government experienced a military takeover in 2002.


anthropology(n.) the study of human races, origins, societies, and cultures

sentence: Social anthropology is one of the social sciences.


deforestation(n.) he act or result of cutting down or burning all the trees in an area

sentence: I am not sure whether he is accused of deforestation.


barrel(n.) a round usually wooden container with curved sides and flat ends

sentence: Oak barrels are used for aging the wine.


quintuple(v.) to become five times bigger in value or number

sentence: The town's population has quintupled in the past 50 years.



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