

Teh-Yi Sun





(1)little finger

(2)ring finger

(3)middle finger

(4)index finger




3.Roman numerals



(2)   □    代號 

(3)  □   □ (十位數歸十位數管)







bi-: two

e.g.  biologic/bicycle



e.g.  manual/ manipulate 


ac-: take

e.g.  acknowledgement


milli-: thousand

e.g.  millennium


5.Why do freshmen study English?

Freshmen study English because they can maintain their English level and  establish the habit of learning English then prepare for the future.




Chapter 1: Earworms  

Chapter 2: How We Use Sound



catchy(adj.) appealing and easy to remember                        

Sentence: I can't think of a catchy name for my blog.


consciousness(n.) a person's mind and thoughts                      

Sentence: The events have become part of the national consciousness.


device(n.) something that is done in order to achieve a particular effect   

Sentence: The company's method of tracking expenses is just a device to make it seem more profitable.


familiar(n.) frequently seen, heard, or experienced                 

Sentence: She has become a familiar figure in the world of politics.


function(n.) the special purpose or activity for which a thing exists or is used

Sentence: The design achieves a perfect blend of form and function.




get rid of: to do something so as to no longer have or be affected or bothered by (something or someone that is unwanted)

Sentence: Eva finally got rid of her husband by saying she had to make dinner.


hum(v.) to make a low continuous sound

Sentence: I hummed a little song.


infect(v.) to cause (someone or something) to become sick or affected by disease

Sentence: The virus has infected many people.


invade(v.) to enter (a place, such as a foreign country) in order to take control by military force

Sentence: The troops invaded at dawn.


itch(v.) to have or produce an unpleasant feeling on your skin or inside your mouth, nose, etc. that makes you want to scratch

Sentence: His eyes began to burn and itch because of his allergies.




phenomenon(n.) something (such as an interesting fact or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or explain fully

Sentence: The movie eventually became a cultural phenomenon.


subject(n.) the person or thing that is being discussed or described

Sentence: The new museum is the subject of an article in today's paper.


susceptible(adj.) easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something

Sentence: The virus can infect susceptible individuals.


tune(n.) a series of musical notes that produce a pleasing sound when played or sung

       (v.) to adjust (a musical instrument) so that it makes the correct sound when played

Sentence: The piano needs to be tuned.


acoustic(adj.) of or relating to sound or to the sense of hearing

Sentence: She loves listening to acoustic folk music.



activate(v.) to make active or more active

Sentence: The camera is activated by pushing a button.


beam(n.) a line of light coming from a source (such as the sun or a headlight)

Sentence: We saw the beams from their flashlights.


deafening(adj.) extremely loud

Sentence: The deafening music made me unhappy.


frequency(n.) the fact or condition of occurring frequently

Sentence: The frequency of student errors was frustrating to the young teacher.


high-pitched(adj.) making a high sound

Sentence: The old recording was tinny and high-pitched.



innovation(n.) a new idea, device, or method

Sentence: She is responsible for many innovations in her field.


lethal(adj.) causing or able to cause death

Sentence: He was sentenced to death by lethal injection.


offensive(adj.) causing someone to feel hurt, angry, or upset : rude or insulting

Sentence: He made some offensive remarks.


restore(v.) to give back (someone or something that was lost or taken) : to return (someone or something)

Sentence: The police restored law and order.


temporarily(adv.) during a limited time

Sentence: He is temporarily acting for her in that post.




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