2/26 orientation


1. What questions should we think when we read the article?
    (1) What is that?
    (2) What is that for?
    (3) What sould we care?



2.Tutami Learning




  pay the bill

  pay the last respect

  pay the visit 

  pay the compliment



 do the dishes

  do the laundry



  develop the film

  develop the discussion



4. Etymology

-antagent or instrumental suffix

e.g. applicant



A Room with the View


courtyard(n.) an open space that is surrounded completely or partly by a building or group of buildings

sentence: The apartment overlooks a courtyard.


portrait(n.) a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person that usually only includes the person's head and shoulders

sentence: The queen posed for her portrait.


frame(n.) the basic structure and shape of the body of a person or animal

          (v.) to be around the edge of (something) — usually used as (be) framed

sentence: She had to extend every inch of her five-foot frame to reach the top shelf.

                The child's face was framed by brown curls.


nook(n.) every part or place

sentence: He knows every nook and cranny of that engine.


vacant(adj.)not filled, used, or lived in

sentence: These lockers/seats are all vacant.



tactful(adj.) careful not to offend or upset other people : having or showing tact

sentence: He gave a tactful critique of her story.


peevishly(adv.) feeling or showing irritation

sentence: ”I didn't do anything wrong,” he answered peevishly.


interchange(v.) to put each of two or more things in the place of the other

sentence: We interchanged the two tires.


intruder(n.) a person who is not welcome or wanted in a place

sentence: The other children regarded him as an intruder.


shaven(adj.) having had the hair, wool, etc., removed : having been shaved

sentence: Their heads were shaven.



childish(adj.) of a child or typical of a child

sentence: She has a childish face.


senility(n.) showing a loss of mental ability (such as memory) in old age

sentence: Paranoia is a possible sign of senility.


repress(v.) to not allow yourself to do or express (something)

sentence: She repressed a laugh.


dazed(adj.) not able to think or act normally because you have been surprised, injured, etc.

sentence: She was dazed and confused after being hit on the head with a golf ball.


sympathize(v.) to feel sorry for someone who is in a bad situation : to feel sympathy for someone because you understand that person's problems

sentence: I sympathize but how can I help?



indeed(adv.) without any question — used to stress the truth of a statement

sentence: They were indeed heroes, though they were never honored.


persist(v.) to continue to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult or other people want you to stop

sentence: She had turned him down for a date before, but he persisted and asked her again.


obvious(adj.) easy to see or notice

sentence: Her doctor immediately noticed the obvious signs of the disease.


perplex(v.) to confuse (someone) very much

sentence: Her attitude perplexes me.


sorrowful(adj.) feeling or showing sadness : full of sorrow

sentence: Her expression was sorrowful.



delicacy(n.) a food that people like to eat because it is special or rare

sentence: The restaurant serves delicious sausages and other regional delicacies.


allusion(n.) a statement that refers to something without mentioning it directly

sentence: The lyrics contain biblical allusions.     


genteel(adj.) somewhat old-fashioned : of or relating to people who have high social status

sentence: She was born into a genteel family.


censure(n.) official strong criticism

sentence: The country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination.


mumble(v.) to say (something) quietly in an unclear way that makes it difficult for people to know what you said

sentence: He mumbled something and then left.


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