1.The prince of Egypt





2.Spring break

Spring break is a U.S. phenomenon and an academic tradition which started in the United States and is observed in some other western countries. Spring break is also a vacational period in early spring at universities and schools in various countries in the world, where it is known by names such as Easter vacationEaster HolidayMarch breakspring vacation,Mid-Term Breakstudy weekreading weekreading period, or Easter week, depending on regional conventions. However, these vacations differ from Spring Break in the United States.






Passoveris an important, biblically derived Jewish festival. The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses. It commemorates the story of the Exodus as described in the Hebrew Bible especially in the Book of Exodus, in which the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. According to standard biblical chronology, this event would have taken place at about 1300 BCE (AM 2450).





The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms (節氣).







(2)WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) 白人盎格魯-撒克遜新教徒






e.g.  admit/advocate/advice/adjust



e.g.  ecosystem/ecological/ecocide



e.g.  inefficient/inelegant/inactive/inelastic



e.g.  unpleasant/unhappy/unbelievable/ungrateful



e.g.  exhort/extra/exit/export


dis-be apart of

e.g.  distrast/district/distance/distribute



e.g.  overlap/overhaul/overcome/oversee


pre-:before/early,and prior to

e.g.  prepare/preschool/prefix/preselect


de-:do the opposite of

e.g.  defrost/deface/defy/deflect


anti-:against,not in favor

e.g.  antibiotic/anticipate/anticline/antibody



e.g.  transportation/transparent/transpire/transform



e.g.  protestant/contestant/applicant/accountant



e.g.  suicide/parenticide/insecticide/geneticide








Consumer Electronics





Chapter11: Feeding the Children Well

Chapter12: Meat Under Fire




curriculum(n.) the courses that are taught by a school, college, etc.

Sentence: The college has a liberal arts curriculum.


dedicated(adj.) having very strong support for or loyalty to a person, group, cause, etc.

Sentence: A dedicated follower of the television show who wouldn't dream of missing an episode.


defrost(v.) to warm something that is frozen until it is no longer frozen

Sentence: You can defrost the soup in the microwave.


exhort(v.) to try to influence (someone) by words or advice : to strongly urge (someone) to do something

Sentence: He exhorted his people to take back their land.


follow suit: to do the same thing that someone else has just done

Sentence: His brother went to medical school, and he followed suit.




fossil fuel(n.): a fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) that is formed in the earth from dead plants or animals

Sentence: The composition of fossil fuels varies with source, type, and degree of refinement.


organic(adj.) of food: grown or made without the use of artificial chemicals: not using artificial chemicals

Sentence: He thinks of the city not as a collection of different neighborhoods but as an organic whole.


overhaul(v.) to look at every part of (something) and repair or replace the parts that do not work

Sentence: The mechanic overhauled the car's engine.


produce(v.) to make (something) especially by using machines

             (n.) fresh fruits and vegetables

Sentence: Thousands of cars are produced here each year.


remodel(v.) to change the structure, shape, or appearance of (something)

Sentence: We remodeled the kitchen last year.




spacious(adj.) having a large amount of space

Sentence: The room is spacious and bright.


stock(n.) the supply of goods available for sale in a store

         (v.) to have a supply of (something) in a store for sale

Sentence: That camera is out of stock.

                 Our store stocks only the finest goods.


acre(n.) a measure of land area in the U.S. and Britain that equals 4,840 square yards (about 4,047 square meters)

Sentence: The house sits on two acres of land.


advocate(n.) a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy

              (v.) to support or argue for (a cause, policy, etc.)

Sentence: She works as a consumer advocate.

                He advocates traditional teaching methods.


cite(v.) to write or say the words of (a book, author, etc.)

Sentence: The article cites several experts on the subject.




consumption(n.) the act of eating or drinking something

Sentence: The jet's high fuel consumption makes it expensive to operate.


digest(n.) information or a piece of writing that has been made shorter

          (v.) to change (food that you have eaten) by a biological process into simpler forms that can be used by the body

Sentence: He has trouble digesting certain foods.


grain(n.) the seeds of plants (such as wheat, corn, and rice) that are used for food; also : a single seed of wheat, corn, rice, etc.

        (v.) to paint in imitation of the grain of wood or stone

Sentence: The machine grinds grain into flour.


objection(n.) a reason for disagreeing with or opposing something : a reason for objecting law : an act of formally objecting to something during a trial.

Sentence: My main objection is that some people will have to pay more than others.


defensive(adj.) defending or protecting someone or something from attack : helping to keep a person or thing safe

Sentence: The city began building a defensive wall around its borders.




reluctantly(adv.) with reluctance
Sentence: She reluctantly agreed to let the matter drop.


texture(n.) the way that something feels when you touch it

Sentence: The plant's leaves are almost leathery in texture.


willing(adj.) not refusing to do something

Sentence: He was a willing participant in the crime.


carbon(n.) a chemical element that forms diamonds and coal and that is found in petroleum and in all living plants and animals

Sentence: She typed an original and two carbons.


methane(n.) a colorless gas that has no smell and that can be burned for fuel

Sentence: Methane may have extraterrestrial significance.



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