
(-meter: measure)

dia-: through

e.g.  diameter


hydr-: water

e.g.  hydrometer


therm-: heat

e.g.  thermometer



2. Km2     Km3

Km2 : squre kilometers

Km3  : cubic kilometers



3. Little Red Riding Hood (小紅帽)




Chapter 7: The Biggest Trees on Earth

Chapter 8: Up a Tree




assume(v.) to think that something is true or probably true without knowing that it is true

Sentence: I assumed he was coming, so I was surprised when he didn't show up.


diameter(n.) a straight line from one side of something (such as a circle) to the other side that passes through the center point

Sentence: The dotted line indicates the diameter of the circle.


ecosystem(n.) everything that exists in a particular environment

Sentence: The world's natural ecosystems act as a buffer.


emerge(v.) to become known or apparent

Sentence: The facts emerged after a lengthy investigation.


frontier(n.) a border between two countries

Sentence: They were sent on an expedition to explore the western frontier.




giant(n.) a legendary creature usually thought of as being an extremely large and powerful person

Sentence: In a little while he espied the two giants.


limb(n.) a large primary branch of a tree

Sentence: He stretched out on one of its broad limbs.


manage(v.) to have control of (something, such as a business, department, sports team, etc.)

Sentence: The business is managed by the owner's daughter.


penetrate(v.) to go through or into something

Sentence: These bullets can penetrate armor.


rot(v.) to slowly decay or cause (something) to decay

Sentence: The wood had rotted away.




alert(adj.) able to think clearly and to notice things

       (n.)something (such as a message or loud sound) that tells people there is some danger or problem : an alarm or signal of danger

Sentence: An alert guard stopped the robbers.


bush(n.) a low densely branched shrub

Sentence: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


cylinder(n.) the surface traced by a straight line moving parallel to a fixed straight line and intersecting a fixed planar closed curve

Sentence: It consists of a pair of concentric cylinder.


desperately(adv.) in a desperate manner

Sentence: All of a sudden everything went desperately wrong.


foliage(n.) the leaves of a plant or of many plants

Sentence: The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance.




gap(n.) a space between two people or things

Sentence: The child had a gap between her two front teeth.


grab(v.) to quickly take and hold (someone or something) with your hand or arms

Sentence: I have to go back in the house and grab my car keys.


gravity(n.) a very serious quality or condition : the condition of being grave or serious

Sentence: The earth is round because of gravity.


layer(n.) an amount of something that is spread over an area

Sentence: Everything was covered by a thin layer of sand.


lean(v.) to incline, deviate, or bend from a vertical position

Sentence: The gate where he was leaning grew grey.




leap(v.) to jump from a surface

Sentence: The cat suddenly leaped into the air.


shrug(v.) to raise and lower your shoulders usually to show that you do not know or care about something

Sentence: I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner, and he just shrugged.


swing(v.) to move backward and forward or from side to side while hanging from something

Sentence: The sheets swung on the clothesline.


tangle(v.) to become or cause (something) to become twisted together

Sentence: This fishing line tangles easily.


work one's way: to move oneself into or out of a particular position slowly or with difficulty

Sentence: I worked my way to the center of the crowd.


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